I2C Auto Identification

Raft I2C auto-identification

Simplify embedded development by auto-identifying I2C devices and have them send you their data at a rate you choose.

Hybrid Super-Caps – power for electronic jewelry?

Are Hybrid Super-Capacitors a good option for powering electronic jewelry. In attempting to find out I realised how little I know about the chemistry of these devices and how odd their behaviour is compared to plain old super capacitors – or LiPo batteries for that matter!

Is ArduinoJson Pointless?

Extracting values from JSON using ArduinoJson almost-always** takes many times longer and consumes many times more memory than just parsing the JSON “on-demand” every time you want to extract a value. RaftJson is an on-demand parser which is many times quicker than ArduinoJson in most real-world uses.