Electronic Jewelry Power Design

For my son’s Christmas present last year I made him a pair of heart-rate monitoring earrings with pulsing LED display in the form of a human heart. They can also be used as a BLE heart-rate monitor. From a design perspective they focus on power management and battery life. They have received a lot of complients and some enquiries about availability for purchase. 

Program a Connected Device using Raft, Part 5

In the latest post of this series we look closely at the publish-subscribe (pubsub) mechanism built into Raft and use it to publish data from our Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)

Program a Connected Device Using Raft, Part 2

Using the Raft framework to program a connected device with BLE, WiFi and Serial comms. Publishing data from accelerometers and other sensors and displaying information on addressable LEDs.

Program a Connected Device Using Raft, Part 1

This is the first part in a series where I create firmware for a connected device using the Raft framework. Raft makes it simple to develop apps conntected via BLE, WiFi or serial and featuring publish-subscribe, web server, automated device detection and REST APIs.

Auto Code Creation for I2C Devices

Pseudocode for MAX30101 poll response decoding

I’m spending a bit of time in NYC Soho and enjoying messing around with I2C breakout boards, some of which are made by Adafruit only a few hundred yards from here. This post is about auto-generation of code for decoding I2C poll responses.

I2C Auto Identification

Raft I2C auto-identification

Simplify embedded development by auto-identifying I2C devices and have them send you their data at a rate you choose.

Hybrid Super-Caps – power for electronic jewelry?

Are Hybrid Super-Capacitors a good option for powering electronic jewelry. In attempting to find out I realised how little I know about the chemistry of these devices and how odd their behaviour is compared to plain old super capacitors – or LiPo batteries for that matter!